Nyomtat Elküld Olvasási nézet

Húsvéti körlevél,angolul

Phil. 3:10-11 "I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

After so many years of married partnership, I understood a few things that I try to pass on to all who come for our premarital counseling sessions. A major lesson that I've learned is that a good partnership makes difficult tasks easy. Many times we've experienced with Rev. Csilla that our partnership in Christ makes even the impossible tasks possible.

There is just one secret: you need to find the best possible partner. Who you partner with can make quite a difference. A smart business man, Andrew Carnegie, recognized this when he said, 'I owe whatever success I have attained by and large, to my ability to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am.' For a well-chosen partnership usually results in more possibilities and a happy and content life.

The Apostle Paul understood the power of partnership. He knew that if he were to join Jesus in sharing His sufferings and "become like Him in His death", he too would experience the power of Christ?s resurrection.

We too are given such a choice. As we continue to walk towards Calvary and then the empty tomb, Jesus has invited each of us to join in something worthwhile. To see the opportunity placed before us. To deny our own personal agenda and press on towards the goal that has been set for our lives to realize. That's why in the season of Easter blessings, consider being partners in God's powerful plans.

We are Easter people who partner with Christ in His work, His life, His sufferings, His death, and His resurrection. Indeed, we are Easter people. I don't know if you think of yourselves that way, but you should! If you think about it, there is just no other event that has or will ever make the impact in your life as the cross of Jesus Christ and the empty tomb. It changed how we think, talk, and live in this world. Some of us can talk about it while for some others it is hard to find the proper words to express the greatest gain of their lives.

Not all of us are able to share this news in the same manner. That's fine since the world hears through more than just its ears when we speak. What's important is that our lives speak the message of what God has done in each of us.

God is giving us an unbelievable opportunity to witness this truth in our family and to many of our neighbors. Following the Easter Holidays, there are three special services that are so much more than just bricks and mortar.

Mark your calendar: we will have our 110th Anniversary celebrations on Saturday, May 12th, then there is Family Sunday on May 20th, and then Good Neighbor Sunday on July 20th.

All these special occasions provide ample opportunities for everyone at our First Hungarian Reformed Church to partner with each other through Christ and to tell the Good News of a life found in Christ! To tell the Good News in words and actions as well. To tell the Good News in a manner that reflects our own special way of sharing. That's why your involvement in the planning and preparations of these special days is so important! How you respond as steward of God's gifts in seeing our special services through will speak clearly about how important this news really is when your friends and neighbors drive by.

So during these next few months join me in prayer with this simple request, "Lord, what would You have me do in this time at my Church?" God will certainly answer that prayer in a way that will allow unity here at First Church and the platform for your life to continue to proclaim what has undoubtedly been the most exciting thing to ever happen. He is risen! Alleluia!

May our actions speak as loudly as our words to this great resurrection news!

With much love in Christ,
I wish a Blessed Easter to all!
Rev. Geczy

Copyright © 2008 Parókia Portál, Minden jog fentartva.

Impresszum / Média Ajánlat / Kapcsolat / Hírlevél

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